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Create Project Shortcut

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You can create shortcuts to your projects directly from the Build Automator. 




A shortcut can be created for either the Opening of a project or Execution of a project.  The only difference is that the command line for the Execute will have a trailing /E after the name of the project to indication execution.  The default option is a shortcut to Open a project.


You can either create the shortcut on the Desktop or in a selected folder.  If you use the "Select folder" option, the "Folder to create Shortcut in" and the selection button on the right will be enabled and you can select a folder. 


The Shortcut Name is defaults to the name of the project file or the Project Name that you can specify in the Project properties window.  You can change the name of the shortcut filename, but you must provide a valid file name, without extension.


The "Folder to create Shortcut in" is only used if you use the "Select folder" option for the Shortcut location.  Click on the button on the right to select a folder to create the shortcut in.


You can enter description of the shortcut which shows up in the "Comment" field on the shortcut properties - see screenshot below.



Direct link to this page: http://www.buildautomator.com/onlinemanual/create_shortcut.htm